Standard models:3: HTC140 - HTC40 - HTC50
Base cones ISO:30 - 40 - 50
Base cones HSK:63 - 80 - 100
Gripper centre distances (mm):da 470 a 580
Tool weight (Kg):fino a 25

The HTCs (Horizontal Tool Changers) made by COLOMBO FILIPPETTI SPA are, mechanical, machine-independent tool changers assemblies which - by means of a cam drive - transform an incoming uniform rotary motion supplied by a gearmotor into a regular series of stop-and-go linear and rotary movements of the output shaft the arm of the tool gripper is fixed onto.

The synchronised combination of movements performed by the gripper arm provides the typical tool change motion cycle.

The tool change gripper arm has an automatic lock for the tools during motion.

The main characteristics of this product is: precision, speed and smoothness of movements, low vibrations, quiet motion, versatility of application and minimum backlash.

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