Base cones ISO:30 - 40
Base cones HSK:63 - 80
Gripper centre distances (mm):470 to 580
Tool weight (Kg):Up to 15

HTC.. T of COLOMBO FILIPPETTI spa is an evolution of the HTC series.

In almost all the machine tools with horizontal shaft mandrel, the position of the latter is required in a protected area of the machine. This area is generally protected by a curtain or a bulkhead that is opened at the moment of the tool changing.

The movement of the bulkhead (or curtain) must be synchronized with the movement of the changer and it must be quick. The HTC has been provided of an additional output shaft that drives the opening and closing of the bulkhead, perfectly synchronized with the movement of the tool changing.
This evolution of the HTC40 mechanism has been called HTC40T.

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